Exam: Bone Scan

Bone Scan Description

Duration: 3.5 hour(s)

A bone scan is a “nuclear medicine” test usually used to help identify the cause of back pain, find cancer that has spread to the bones, locate damage to the bones, and monitor problems such as trauma and infection to the bones. A bone scan can often identify a problem days or months earlier than a regular X-ray test.

What is Nuclear Medicine?

Nuclear medicine is a type of diagnostic exam whereby images are acquired by tracking the distribution of radioactive material in the body.  The radioactive isotope is injected at the start of the test.  A Gamma camera is used to detect the rays emitted by the radioactive material.  Most of the radioactive isotopes injected into the patient’s body is eliminated via urine and the intensity of radioactivity diminishes over time.

An appointment is necessary for all Nuclear Medicine/Nuclear Cardiac examinations.


No preparation required.