Exam: Ultrasound
Ultrasound Description
Ultrasound examinations are used to help physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. Ultrasound procedures use high frequency sound waves to generate images of the body part being examined. Ultrasound is used most often to image soft tissue structures such as abdominal organs, soft tissue masses, vascular structures (veins and arteries) and extremities.
Ultrasound procedures require an appointment and some exams require preparation.
Patients may be asked to change into a gown. The technologist will escort you to the examining room and most times you will be asked to lie down on a table.
The ultrasonographer will use a small probe to scan the area requested by your doctor and multiple images will be recorded.
- Integrated Prenatal Screening/Dating
- Nuchal Translucency
- Detailed Obstetr4ical Scan
- Complications of Pregnancy
- Rule out Ectopic Pregnancy
- Abdomen
- Renal
- Bladder / Prostate
- Pelvic / TV
- Pre / Post Void
- Groins
- Thyroid
- Testicular
- Salivary Glands
- Carotids
- Arteries of Legs
- Veins of Legs
- Arteries of Arms
- Veins of Arms
- Shoulder
- Elbow
- Hamstrings
- Knee
- Foot
- Achilles Tendon
- Ankles
- Hands
- Complete Echo / Doppler Study
Exam Locations: Gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, liver, kidneys and aorta.
If your appointment is in the morning, do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before.
If your appointment is in the afternoon you may eat dry toast, black tea or coffee, juice (NO MILK) up to 9:00am. Nothing to eat or drink after that.
Exam Locations: Uterus, ovaries, bladder and pregnancy.
For this examination, you need to have a full bladder. You are required to finish drinking 4 large glasses of water 1 hour before your appointment and do not empty your bladder.
You are required to drink 4 large glasses of water 1 hour before your examination and do not empty your bladder.
NO BREAKFAST & NO MILK on the morning of the examination.
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